ATUA HEALING®️ gives freedom to empower you.

MEET CARMEL Cochrane Founder of Atua Healing®️

Atua Healing®️is the labour of love of Carmel Cochrane, who is of Māori and European descent. She was born with the gift of sight, hearing and healing, or what we refer to in Māori culture as Matakite.

Using her abilities as an intuitive visionary, Carmel has, over the years, developed Manaaki Bodywork, an energy healing massage system based on Māori spiritual values. This helps clients to release unconscious holding patterns of trauma, held in the body, letting go of cellular memories without reliving the trauma.

Carmel firmly believes we are all capable of connecting to our own, intuitive abilities to gain clarity to overcome past hurt and move forward in life in leaps and bounds. So she went on to create and develop Atua Healing®️ and the workshops - to teach people how to unlock these abilities to heal themselves, as well as others.

Atua Healing®️ has worked wonders in successfully treating clients of all ages and from all walks of life, helping resolve deep-seated issues such as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, emotional trauma, sexual abuse, addictions, phobias and lack of self-esteem.

The healing workshops, aptly named ‘Awaken the Healer Within’, are currently presented in New Zealand, Europe and the United States.


Everybody has a unique Energy Signature, which is the result of us reacting to various life events that may have caused us trauma we can unconsciously hold on to. Many Atua Healers perform muscle testing in order to asses a person's energy signature. However, as an intuitive visionary and having dealt with the trauma of life, Carmel has the innate ability to see this Energy Signature, determine when and where a person's holding patterns began, and work on removing them. 

Have a Session with Carmel on Skype or at her clinic

  • Carmel

  • Personal Healing Sessions

  • Mentoring sessions for Health Professionals, Skype or in clinic

Carmel Cochrane Ngāphui, Te Uri O Hau, Ngāti Whātua Kaipara

Carmel Cochrane
Ngāphui, Te Uri O Hau, Ngāti Whātua Kaipara

Atua Healing® can empower you to connect to your intuition, give you the tools to heal yourself and inspire others, and it’s possible to move through any challenge and not be defined by your past.
— Carmel Cochrane


“Just finished a 1 hour Skype session with Carmel. Mind blowing as always, but I felt even more comfortable being tucked up at home. Carmel provided practical tools and an understanding of my self that I could not have otherwise tapped into, explanations of feelings and why my body is operating the way it is. The healing part was beautiful as always and I felt the exact same benefits as if I was with her on site. An overwhelming sense of peace and lightness.”

Jodi O’Connor
Marketing & Media Manager