Atua Healing® Practitioner Training
you will learn
Learn to develop your intuition to open the doorway to your intuitive gifts. Learn to navigate through the spiritual realms with your Tīpuna. Understand the healing principles of the Atua Healing® method so that you can give healing to your family and friends.
The Curriculum:
Introducing the Atua for Stage One
Tāne Mahuta
Te Manatu The mind This is what can stop us from accessing our intuitive abilities it can also be the source of a lot of anguish we will show you how to quiet this constant chatter.
Te Iha Manamo Infinite Wise self This is the library where all knowledge is held it is where you will find your pool of calmness.
Kapa Hurō The Cheering Team is made up of all your Tīpuna ancestors including all your whakapapa genealogy.
Kapa Whakareka The Healing Team Is made up of your spirit guides your guardians and to the gods, you believe in.
Whatitoka Tapu Sacred Doorways Discover where the sacred doorways are what they are and why they are so important to you so you can connect to your own spiritual gifts
Te Whakareka Whatitoka Tapu Sacred Doorway Healing This healing technique is perfect to use in cases of emergencies.
Atua Meditation This simple powerful easy technique to connect into your own spiritual gifts.
Atua Healing® Circle This is a tradition in our workshops where we send healing to our family and friends who need extra help.
Body Scanning Feel the energy flows of the body learn how to give Energy Healing for the body
Atua Healing® principles of kindness and non-judgment when we come from this place we can facilitate great change by holding a person in Aroha unconditional love.
Introducing The Energy Signature is why Atua Healing® is unique. This is where energy first reacts, which can prevent the flow of energy by causing blocks. The Energy Signature is a representation of your life story.
The Atua Healing® method Clearing, Healing the blocked energy in the Energy Signature so you can prevent the repetitive patterns that keep us stuck in unhealthy behaviours.
Te Whakaritenga Daily Spiritual Practice to strengthen you're being so you can be grounded and clear in mind, body and spirit.